Sunday, May 30, 2010

Does Salicylic Acid Make Skin More Sensitive

Designer Beads 6 mm

designer marble beads 6 mm Ø

There are designer beads, each bead is different
different and sometimes in size. € 2.00 per strand

DMP 001 - Green = about 53 pieces
DMP 002 - Blue = approximately 52 pieces
DMP 003 - Beige = about 54 pieces
DMP 004 - smoke blue = About 54 pieces

DMP 005 - yellow = about 54 pieces
DMP 006 - Pink = approximately 54 pieces
DMP 007 - Pink Pink = about 54 pieces
DMP 008 - Salmon = about 53 pieces

DMP 009 - Purple-Yellow = about 54 pieces
DMP 010 - green salmon = about 52 pieces
DMP 011 - Purple-Beige = 57 pieces
DMP 012 - purple-pink-violet = about 57 pieces
DMP 013 - smoke-blue khaki-blue = about 62 units

A White Spot On Dog's Black Nose?

Zweifabige Crackle glass beads

6 mm Ø Crackle Glass Beads zweifabig
€ 2.50 per strand

Pink plain

CGP 001 - per strand = about 70 pieces


CGP 002 - per strand = about 72 pieces

brown plain

CGP 003 - per strand = about 73 pieces

black and clear

CPG 004 - per strand = about 76 pieces


CGP 005 - per strand = about 72 pieces

Green Orange

CGP 006 - per strand = about 73 pieces

yellow clear

CGP 007 - per strand = about 75 pieces

Penguins Tanking Season

AB Crystal Beads 6 mm

Ø 6 mm crystal beads in AB (extra-glossy)
in 3 colors, 1.95 per strand €

KPAB 001 - yellow-blue = about 58 pieces
KPAB 002 - Green = about 55 pieces
KPAB 003 - Metal colors = about 58 pieces

Separation Anxiety In A 7 Month Old At Night Old

glass beads Nartursteinoptik

glass beads natural stone look

colors black and white and pink and white
€ 2.25 per strand

black and white

GPNO 001 - 10 mm dia = approximately 43 pieces
GPNO 002 - 8 mm dia = 57 pieces
GPNO 003 - 6 mm dia = 70 pieces

pink and white

GPNO 004 - 10 mm dia = approximately 43 pieces
GPNO 005 - 8 mm dia = 57 pieces
GPNO 006 - 6 mm dia = 70 pieces

Phones That Are Compaitble With Parrott

glass-faceted beads

glass faceted beads in different sizes
It's always a line there, if there are more, I write behind it.
I always try the color as natural as possible to show. € 1.95 per strand

(unfortunately not come across correctly)

GFP 011 - Size 10 mm = About 33 pieces
GFP 012 - size 8 mm = approximately 43 pieces
GFP 013 - size 6 mm = approximately 51 pieces


GFP 014 - size 10 mm = approximately 34 pieces
GFP 015 - size 8 mm = 40 pieces
GFP 016 - size 6 mm = 45 pieces
GFP 017 - Size 4 mm = 80 pieces


GFP 018 - size 6 mm = approximately 69 pieces

Poptropica Games Saving

glass-faceted beads

glass faceted beads in different sizes
It's always a line there, if there are more, I write it
behind it. I always try the color as natural as possible to show
. € 1.95 per strand


GFP 001 - size 10 mm = approximately 33 pieces
GFP 002 - size 8 mm = approximately 41 pieces
GFP 003 - Size 6 mm = 55 pieces

Royal Blue

GFP 004 - size 10 mm = approximately 32 pieces
CFP 005 - size 8 mm = approximately 43 pieces
GFP 006 - size 6 mm = approximately 52 pieces

Light Blue

GFP 007 - size 10 mm = approximately 33 piece
GFP 008 - size 8 mm = approximately 43 pieces
GFP 009 - size 6 mm = approximately 54 pieces

medium blue

CFP 010 - Size 10 mm = approximately 32 pieces

Tvs Prices After Superbowl

diamonds of glass

diamonds of glass in different sizes
It's always a line there, if there are more, I write it
behind it. I always try the color as natural as possible to show
€ 1.95 per strand


GRH 009 - Size 10 mm = 35 pieces
GRH 010 - size 8 mm = approximately 43 pieces


GRH 011 - Size 10 mm = 35 piece
GRH 012 - size 8 mm = approximately 42 pieces
GRH 013 - Size 6 mm = approximately 52 pieces

GRH 014 - Grey / Size 8 mm = approximately 37 pieces
GRH 015 - Black / size 6 mm = about 47 pieces
GRH 016 - Clear / size = 6 mm, about 52 piece

Easton Sv12 Softball Fastpitch Bat Reviews

diamonds of glass

diamonds of glass in different sizes
It's always a line there, if there are more, I write it
behind it. I always try the color as natural as possible to show

€ 1.95 per strand

Light Blue

GRH 001 - Size 10 mm = 35 pieces
GRH 002 - size 8 mm = 45 pieces
GRH 003 - Size 6 mm = approximately 51 pieces

amber color

GRH 004 - Size 10 mm = 35 pieces
GRH 005 - size 8 mm = approximately 43 pieces
GRH 006 - Size 6 mm = approximately 53 pieces


GRH 007 - Size 10 mm = 35 pieces
GRH 008 - size 8 mm = 45 pieces

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Old Redline Cranks Craigslist

end caps for silk and wire, plastic beads between

end caps for silk and wire, capacity 10 € 0.80 per bag
- 6 mm wide in black, silver, gold and copper
- 4 mm wide in silver, gold and copper

EKS 001 - 6 mm silver
EKS 002 - 4 mm silver
ECG 001 - 6 mm Gold
ECG 002 - 4 mm gold
EKK 001 - 6 mm copper
EKK 002 - 4 mm kufper
EKSH 001 - 6 mm black

Thesis For Play A Raisin In The Sun

intermediate plastic beads
content per bag 50; € 0.50 per bag
-in three different versions

KZP 001

KZP 002
KZP 003

What Gets Super Glue Off Wheels

Metal Spacers

Nickel Free!

in shades of platinum, silver and gold

content 50 per bag € 0.50 plus postage

ZPG 001 - 2 mm gold
ZPG 002 - 3 mm gold
ZPG 003 - 4 mm gold
ZPP 001 - 2 mm platinum
ZPP 002 - 3 mm platinum
ZPP 003 - 4 mm platinum
ZPS 001 - 2 mm silver
ZPS 002 - 3 mm silver
ZPS 003 - 4 mm silver

Friday, May 28, 2010

Sacramento Ca Glory Hole

Rockabilly Metallic Antique Ball

Rockabilly Gold Metallic acrylic ball, 8 mm diameter, capacity 25 pieces per bag
0.75 €

ZTRM 001