Monday, February 28, 2011

Civic With Tilt Plate

balance sheet of ti-Solely-travel

love all

Hubert does not have a final report on the ti-Solely-trip written - Again in English, so that the results understandable to the Haitian parties. So here's my translation of it again: I have

the Haiti experience very much, and the team has scored some successes already. Thank you to everyone involved, including the supporters of this trip in Haiti and Germany (especially the donor). Any help and all feedback regarding our work is welcome, just as we develop the final concept still.

The ti-Solely-trip of 5 to 17 February should initiate the ti-Solely project in Haiti, bringing the "clean light" and jobs into the country is by the lamps are assembled on site. During the trip should be mainly local young job seekers from the Tonel-pa nou program with the production and marketing of such a solar lighting system made familiar. The Haiti Children's Aid began with the financing of tools and accessories from 200 ti-Solely-lamp systems approved, which should be divided among the children of the sponsorship program. The necessary tools, manuals, equipment and materials for the prototype series of 20 lamps I had, even in the luggage. Within ten days, we held several half-day courses on technology, production and marketing. In addition, we have already visited potential customers to explore the demand and the opportunities that initially Project funded by donations later establish themselves as self-supporting environmental companies "evoltic haiti".

Thanks to the zeal in the team and its level of education, but also because of the good components of the lamp we managed the construction of 16 systems and the preparation of the team on the planned series production later. The light sets have been already distributed to the participating Tonel-pa nou students who test it and also used for promotional purposes. Since quite a number of unexpected problems occurred, we could solve all but that was a real challenge! The team will succeed but to make 200 (or more) ti-Solely systems. The chance of the project convert it into a profitable company, is real, but it requires hard work, creativity, and initially may also investment and aid.

The production team
The team
André has been with me during the whole stay, translated for me and pretty much all coordinated activities with the team. He is clearly the top in management. In the seminars, Guiver was very helpful, and without his car, we had the roads to the different locations can barely cope. Laumenaire was among the first courses in the morning and evening, the last, and is my opinion, the key figure in the production and quality control. James, Miracle, Benson, Claudy and Dimitri cooperated very well and showed talent in the electrical and mechanical manufacturing. James was particularly keen to understand the function of electrical circuits, it is probably the best prepared if you encounter technical / electronic questions or problems. Rachelle, Mario and others are also likely to assist the production team. In preparation soon to the responsibilities are transferred. Andrew will take care of first as a kind of manager to provide management and marketing issues and also for production technology and be responsible. It is a great team!

The marketing team
project status
The team has been able to build lamps based on building plans, photos, and existing models. 16 of 20 systems have already been completed - each with less support from my side. Two other sets are prepared for the composition. To further prepare the kits should be shipped as soon as possible to Haiti. I am very proud of the work done. The manufacturer of the kits is recommended to schedule a period of three to four weeks to enable the production going. We have reached a preliminary level of production at an amount of time about five working days or more - on the one hand demonstrates the enormous willingness to work, but also the sound training and good skills of our team.

distribution of the ti-Solely-lights on the first twelve godchildren
produced lamps have already been issued to the ti-Solely team. In return, they had to participate in the seminars. The course for the production visited Miracle, James, Benson, Dimitri, Guiver, Claudy, Mario, and Andre Laumenaire. The seminar was attended Blaisse on market analysis, Betina and Francesca. All students who received a "little sun" to say, the Lamp test, and also to apply in their neighborhood.

Next steps
first the material must be for 180 more ti-Solely systems (each 1.2 kilograms) to Haiti to be brought.
second we need a separate, lockable room for the tools, the workbench and the components. Virtually would be one of the smaller offices in Henfrasa, fitness center, in which also Tonel pa nou his club headquarters.
third production should be continued. To check the quality and optimize the work processes that could be another trip to Haiti will be necessary - for instance, if the team has produced an additional 20 lamps.
4th is long run be necessary to develop a sharing scheme for the Tonel-pa nou students.
5th should the advertising for the ti-Solely-lamp be extended to rural areas. These are also needed new partners. Creole promotional material is already prepared.
6th must be a credit system be established, as even the purchase price exceeds the Chinese lamp plagiarism in the amount of $ 50 to the financial part of our customers.

During the trip, numerous discussions with NGOs, local businesses and institutions have taken place. Both the lamp and the idea of an environmental company were welcomed in principle, but also the ti-Solely-product, its quality and business concept endorsed in particular. Critical review was still the retail price of about $ 150, resulting in the production cost and a fair wage for the workers. There are families who can afford this amount, but not the majority of our potential customers.

Thank Hubert (& heike)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Examples Of Business Messages

debate on candidates

After the ballot for the presidential election even now actually on 30 March will be held, and the two selected candidates on a questionable manner and Manigat Martelly have opened the campaign is, in Haiti, the United States and Latin America, a debate arose about the candidates about their political ideologies, their financial background and backers and their ability to speak to the international reconstruction and backs into it in the country. While the former president's wife is Manigat apartness accused by the people, the musicians Martelly for civil rights is mainly because of his previous membership of the successors of the Tonton lay Macoute in criticism and for his refusal, the contributors to his election.

Two opinions from a civil rights forum, I would like as examples of the current, very exciting, but unfortunately, almost without debate Öffentlichtkeit Translation. Reginald Toussaint writes: An election is interesting that the people vote in the rule for the candidate whom she is friendly, the policy objectives are not included. U.S. politicians give so much money to build an image that they are someone with whom you want to drink a beer. Sweet Micky (Martelly) is a candidate who barely bother to waste because it could create millions of Haitians already said the beer - drank - or a Barbancourt rum. Ironically, this is the reason why I consider him the wrong choice as the new president.

me he has scared away in the 90's, when I called his band is still my favorite band. At the age of 20 I left me no chance to escape to see him live. He was the guarantor for a great concert. I loved him at the keyboard, a bottle in one hand, the other hacking into the keys. It was only a matter of time before that Mickey was drunk and broke out in worst rants. His fans loved it, we often meet him shouting insults and went on with dialogue, in which he began a curse that we had for him ended .(...) The act of protest simply refreshing. But the change from Sweet Micky Publikumsbeschimpfer a statesman with responsibility for the reconstruction is therefore difficult to me. I know that he now has become milder in the theater , but with just one click on Youtube you will find a series of videos that will convert even the most liberal people blush. This undermines his position as a serious leader. As he will thus secure the respect of the whole nation? I know that people like him, but we respect him? In addition, he will have in Parliament for his ideas related majorities - and needs the respect of Members. I'm sure he can consolidate with decent behavior with the time his position is. But we need a president who can start immediately after the election. Haiti has many problems, other than that we can wait months or even years before the government has become established. (...)

A Nekita advocates less on one of the two candidates, but is dedicated to a more general problem: I try to stay neutral in the Haitian presidential election. I think that's the prevailing bias in Haiti is the fundamental problem dar. I think the politicians who set their price too much like the demands of citizens. In our 207-year history we have not proven to be a political capacity. Whether Mr. or Ms. Martelly Manigat, no one should expect that any of these persons Haiti can change overnight. Who always wins, has to change here the expectations of every citizen.

The Puritan Haitians who are concerned about the musicians of the past Sweet Micky, I want to say that he is a smart guy, working for the behind the stage a number of good strategists. I am therefore less important who financed his election campaign, I would be interested but who are his political advisors. Only one field they have been left uncultivated: He needed a better website to combine the many individual press reports, the messages on the Internet, in forums and on Youtube and the contents at the same time some opposes. His previous page - - creates not. Mrs. Manigat succeed but only with their home, their Facebook page and their Twitter messages. With just a few clicks you can as an overview of their campaign: Good luck to both candidates.

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Should I Straighten My Crooked Nose

domrep deported Haitians

The Dominican Republic has deported thousands of illegal immigrants in recent weeks, thus spreading fear among the Haitians living in the country, which also made allegations against the government in Santo Domingo, use the cholera outbreak as an excuse for crackdowns. At the largest campaign against illegal since in the Dominican Republic Haitians living years were soldiers and employees of the Immigration Department set up checkpoints across the country and carried out search operations in poor neighborhoods to track down any living in the country without permission and now it is deported. Erickner Auguest, a 36-year-old father of three, who lived illegally since 1991 in the Dominican Republic, said he had been intercepted at the output of a hospital when he had accompanied his pregnant wife to an inquiry. "In walking, we got food, then drove up policemen and forced me to get into a truck," he told Associated Press in the border town of Jimani. He also said a friend who works for the border guards, had followed him helped zurückzustehlen again into the country. Hundreds of thousands of Haitians live

at least temporarily in the Dominican Republic, there regularly exposed to discrimination and the constant fear of deportation. The cholera epidemic in Haiti, which has led to more than 4,000 dead and 200,000 people infected, further aggravated the situation. After the earthquake on 12 January 2010 had facilitated the Dominican authorities, border control and suspended deportations to Haiti for humanitarian reasons. Immediately after the first anniversary of the deportations were resumed, however - with greater effort than ever recorded since 2005. More than 3,000 people in the past four weeks handcuffed and led across the border was - according to lawyers and migrants, including many legal entrants who had not only to control their papers taken with him.

"The catch all from the streets," said Gustavo Toribio Border Solidarity, an organization that provide migrant workers support. "The do not pay attention to whether people have children, whether they own a house. The only question for the residence papers." The Government challenged all the reports, which also legally entered Haitians were deported. The head of the Dominican Immigration Department, Sigfrido Pared, defended the deportations. His country could not catch basin for are Haitians who wanted to escape their dire poverty and its unstable political system. Estimates of the United Nations, lived before the earthquake, 600 000 illegal Haitians in the Dominican Republic, which itself has ten million citizens. The local authorities, the number of Haitians in the country has risen to one million, most of them stayed there illegally. "For other countries and some organizations, it is easy to criticize the Dominican Republic," said Pared. "No other country in the world has a common border with Haiti. No other country in the world has the same problem with Haiti as the Dominican Republic."

According to the authorities the raids are necessary to reduce the spread of cholera from Haiti. So far, only 300 cases were registered in the Dominican Republic - the case of a Haitian worker who had been visiting his family over the border and there probably infected, ended fatally. Even in Haiti, the disease spread more slowly in recent weeks as a national treatment program and a prevention campaign were effective. Nevertheless, warn health experts warned that the cholera in Haiti was not yet under control. In this statement, the Dominican Ministry of Health refers to his statement that there must be received no unnecessary risk. "The ministry is responsible for the provision and health control along the border and across the country responsible, "said his spokesman Luis Garcia. Many citizens supported for fear of contracting the deportations." The disease is a threat to our country, "said Seco Dino Matos, a 50-year-old truck Driver. "Haitians are our brothers, but not illegal. Our country already drowning in Haitians. "(...)

civil rights activists protesting that the cholera is advanced only as a ground for mass deportations, but actually stuck behind racism and xenophobia. The director of the Dominican-Haitian Women's Movement, Sonia Perre, pointed about the fact that many control points in domestic Roads had been built where no increased traffic volume is expected to Haitians who entered illegally, which could bring the disease into the country. In addition, many of the deportees had lived long years in the country. Now return to Haiti, raise only the risk of infection for these people, they complained. Because they would certainly try to take their lives and their work in the Dominican Republic again, they actually increased after their deportation, the introduction of the pathogen. "If you really want to fight the cholera, that's the wrong way," said Pierre. Immigration Chief Pared countered representations that long in the land Haitians living would be deported. The State Department said the measure is directed against Haitians who now crowded into the country illegally. However, since tens of thousands of undocumented migrants living in the country, it is often impossible to find out who was first entered or have lived here for years. queuing

As recently Jimani dozens trucks and many people walk to the border station, officers laid the Immigration Department willkürzlich two vegetable vendors. They let the two go but once again, as a man in a passing car asked them why they had done so. In addition to the deportations of Haitians complain that the country but also that they otherwise life would be made difficult: Bus and taxi drivers, they could not enter more often because the authorities had imposed on some public transport operators sentences of 270 U.S. dollars because they had transported illegal immigrants. The tightened border controls and also disabled legal border crossings, excessive bribes to speed up the formalities in the levels and rates of those workers who could write and completed for the dealers, the bureaucracy. (...)

link to three pictures of the Associated Press, whom I am not able to publish.
own translation of the English original: heike fritz

Friday, February 25, 2011

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oil well search from haiti

The U.S. company has begun Paret Petroleum geological surveys to locate oil and gas reserves off Haiti. Test wells are to be carried out from June 2011. The comprehensive test is intended to allow Haiti to improve its gross national product and budgetary shortfalls. Geologists have said according to initial studies, Haiti have more oil reserves than Venezuela and Saudi Arabia. Its proximity to the major refineries in Louisiana and the Gulf, which are only about 1,000 miles away from Haiti, the Caribbean state could develop into a Goliath of the oil-producing countries.

founder and CEO of Paret Petroleum, Emmanuel Paret, emphasized in announcing the plans. "As Americans with Haitian roots I have heard tell relatives, friends and colleagues that there is oil and gas from Haiti are Paret Petroleum and I are now with a $ 26,000,000 major project to provide evidence of this. " His company was confident that it encountered oil, investors earn a profit and Haiti will help to reduce the national debt and poverty in the country. "The exploitation of hydrocarbons overdue in Haiti, and we are the pioneers who go for the risk," Paret said. On the company website, he also announced that after three years Start-up phase before Haiti will have opened 20 oil and gas wells, from which a Minimus of five million barrels of oil a day and more than 800 million McF gas (equivalent to over 22 billion cubic meters) per day should be encouraged. / started

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

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election campaign for ballot

While in Haiti, politics, the election campaign for the presidential runoff election next month, most doubt the citizens from the polls this time, less chaotic, fraudulent and controversial will run as the first round of voting. Haitian officials had for 20 March promised improvements when the former First Lady Mirland Manigat by musician Michel "Sweet Micky" Martelly is challenged. "We can not predict how evolved the second round," said Rosny Smarth, opposition politician and former Prime Minister, who belongs to that group, which is still the cancellation of the ballot of 28 November calls. "We have reached a point where the international community established a president in Haiti, regardless of whether the runoff runs well or not."

Under the intense pressure of international community, a controversial Election analysis of the Organization of American States to enforce / OAU had left, the Haitian electoral authorities Martellys meets demand that he emerged as runner-up in the first round. Thus rejected the provisional Electoral Council its first opinion, that Martelly would not feed into the runoff, but ranked behind the government candidate Jew Celestin. During the Electoral really needed a majority decision to announce the final result, but supported only four of the eight members of this result. The other four are in doubt, however, and opened so that any action against the presidential election door.

The U.S. and other countries befüworteten the runoff against. The Latin America expert at the U.S. State Department, Arturo Valanzela told Congress in early February that the election was a milestone in the election history of Haiti. Therefore, Washington should assist the Haitian electoral authorities also in the implementation of the second round. Still others doubt whether the presidential election could really keep a check stand. Finally, the by-election by Parliament in late November of irregularities, fraud and the risk was overshadowed, to create a crisis. "The democratic process in Haiti has suffered a huge setback," said Smarth. "If we do not return to democracy, it is come to a bang with one crisis after another. In the not too distant future will face a problem because these elections were not held according to democratic criteria. "

Last week, Manigat (70) and Martelly (50) entered officially in the campaign for the runoff election. While they initially after cancellation of the election were called, were both silent, as it became clear that they could come in the second round. Both were then confident that we can decide the ballot itself, expressed but also concerns about whether the election process had ended legally. The launch events were as varied as the candidates themselves, their agreement to avoid personal attacks, quickly forgotten, as Martellys Manigat bearing age and their lack of expertise in Internet communities because of criticism. Manigat followers then broke a moral debate from the fence, in which they prefer spearheaded Martellys to occur in skirts and his fans every now and again to show her bare butt.

"We have serious goals," said Manigat, who opened the campaign with a press conference in the destroyed Hotel Montana. "I will form a government that is reputable, competent and open to all," she said. Criticized for being better than speak French and Kreyol no I know of the poverty of the population, Manigat used the meeting to respond to their opponents directly. While she said foreign journalists at the press conference in English and English, she announced the Haitian press, opposite her future just yet relate to position in Kreyol. The day after it held its first election campaign in a slum, which is considered a stronghold of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Just hours earlier were deployed in the area 4000 Aristide supporters, to demand his return from the South African exile. They threatened to block the runoff election, if he were prevented from entering the country. "I know your problems, I know your pain. I am a mother, "Manigat told the crowd. You will" iron wear underwear, to throw himself into the battle for their interests.

hundreds of miles further north, gathered thousands of people in Cap-Haitien to listen Martelly . The event resembled a carnival parade, speaking as a pink-dressed Martelly of production targets, education and family values. In between, he presented the latest Tweets from his 7189 Twitter followers and put photos on his Facebook page. showed at his side, hip-hop musician Wyclef Jean, the revealed the day before his much sought-after support for Martelly had. observers expect that this assistance Martelly especially among the large layer of young people in Haiti could be selectively critical. At the side of Jean, a longtime friend and musical partner, said Martelly, his campaign will bring the people "joy, music, love, peace, wealth, development and change in all parts of the country Haiti.

But whether a candidate can convince the Haitian voters will have to be purchased legally mandate remained unclear. "This election is far from being perfect," stated Carlos Westendorp, former English Foreign Minister and current General Secretary of the Club of Madrid. The forum of former statesmen visited Haiti Last week, a visit and met with both candidates, election boards, entrepreneurs and President René Préval to discuss the upcoming runoff election. "There will inevitably be voices raised protest against the election and the legitimacy question," Westendorp said the Miami Herald. But the most important is that the vote will now complete properly and the reconstruction could finally pave the path.

Whoever is elected president occurs, the heritage of a country where charity is often encountered as jobs, the recovery and reconstruction since the Earthquake at a snail's pace and runs in a deadly cholera epidemic kills thousands of people, especially in remote areas with lousy roads. Beyond that, the international community of gigantic power, not only by paying the bulk of the expensive, over 30 million bill for the elections, but because it has pledged ten billion U.S. dollars in ten years for the reconstruction of Haiti. "The scope of the new president or the new president is extremely close," said Robert Fatton, Haiti expert at the University of Virginia. The most pressing question is which candidate can submit a development and reconstruction program, the broad electorate convinced the program and thereby giving weight. Fatton was concerned that although the election was regarded as historical, there could be less than a million votes that were not counted in the first round. "The March vote will not resolve the prevailing insecurity in the country, but rather increase yet," he declared.

own translation of the English original: heike fritz

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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student action for Haiti

Limburg. The Limburger Adolf-Reichwein-school has 2400 pupils. If everyone would donate just a €, came together a considerable sum. An idea that was approved by the student body of the technical secondary school health ignited and take action. The donation will be delivered to the Haiti Children's Aid, which helps child slaves in the island nation on 12 January of last year was rocked by an earthquake with catastrophic consequences. 316 000 people died, as many were wounded, millions are homeless.

1200 adolescents and young adults listened to in the Limburg-Heinz Wolf-Hall surgeon Dr. Achim Lauer. The care physicians practicing in Aarbergen for years to orphans in disaster areas. In 2004, he had shortly after the tsunami, with concerned citizens from the area Burgschwalbach / Aarbergen the organization "We Do With" set up to initiate a community project for victims of the tsunami in Sri Lanka. In the next three years, the group organized concerts, readings, slide shows and fortress and brought together 50,000 euros for orphans. Similarly, the reconstruction of a village was helped.

formed after the devastating earthquake in Haiti, the group again to support the same principles a children's project in Haiti. Achim Lauer: "We wanted to separate ourselves from large organizations. Every cent is due to arrive at the victims. With the Haiti Children's Aid, we have a reliable cooperation partner Location found, which guarantees us and the donors, the use of funds proves transparent. "Lauer showed slides and a film about restaveks children, the sons of slaves from impoverished families from the country that are given to foreign families in the area of early have to work late. "They are beaten, scalded and sexually abused. After escape attempts, they are chained to work to do inside the cabins. Very few have access to education, "said the doctor. As the images on the screen Lauer documented words, it had grown quiet as a mouse in the stands of the sports hall.

"According to medical studies, two thirds the children are malnourished, one third of them there is danger, "Lauer described the states. "We will not solve the problem, but can ease," said the teacher Lydia Ruhland that the aid project "for the restaveks" prepared by a group of students. This includes an exhibition that can still be seen this week in the lobby of the school. "One could take the view: What have we been to Haiti," said Ruhl, and let students about their reasons for supporting the project contend, the poorest of the poor in one of the poorest countries in the world dedicated is. There's lives to normal a year after the earthquake, not again.

(D) € gives a child a little bit of hope for the future and ensures that it can learn something, "says a leaflet, which the skilled high school students to motivate their peers to participate. They find support even with their teachers. Headmaster Ralf Abel has called on the entire school community to send a message of solidarity. The school band accompanied the opening event of the action that should also be reflected in the classroom.

Image & Text: Dieter Fluck

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Design ideas for rebuilding

From hemp to polystyrene, of bamboo up to recycled stones from the ruins of Haitian - here in Port-au-Prince are being tossed ideas on how the 200,000 residential and commercial buildings are built on top again, which had been destroyed a year before the earthquake. One year after the disaster, which destroyed large parts of the capital, the actual reconstruction in Port-au-Prince are still only begun. The roads are still an estimated ten million cubic meters rubble strewn. In a conference again adjourned finally gathered hundreds of international companies that the Caribbean country according to its own will "rebuild better". Foreign and domestic construction companies represents their Plans and dollhouse-size models of their ideas in an exhibition before.

"Our model is basically made of Styrofoam with a Zementguß" said the president of Scandia Pacific, Kim Christiansen, during the presentation of the material that had developed his, based in Kirkland, Washington company. He like to work with the foamed material, but his company will work with any substance that choose the Haitian people. "Haiti must be open to new ideas," he demanded. "Are pyramids made of stone and brick it for too long. Now her need something new. Something Precast." David Mosrie, the Push-design company Headquartered in North Carolina, criticized, however, that most construction companies represented abgäben only lip service to innovative building ideas. His imagined house is completely made from hemp, along drummed on fibers and modeled with a limestone product. Asked if it could also smoke, he laughed: "It would be 1130 kg needed to get drunk so much happiness.."

Contractors exchanged business cards and applications to the conference, but remained largely among themselves, represented because no donor Waen. Gabriel Verret, managing director of the transitional Commission for Reconstruction, has accused the international community, their own Pledges of aid for Haiti constantly evade. "Everyone always says 'debris removal, debris removal,'" he complained. "What shall I do with it? Carry away the stones by hand?" The transitional Commission had 52 million U.S. dollars for debris removal been made available. To the rubble, but really to bring out of town, 600 million are needed. Therefore suggested that some investors to use the exact distributed throughout the city ruins in the reconstruction of the battered country. Hugh Brennan, the Irish property expert from the NGO Haven works, currently in a pilot project that used a dump truck load debris, sorted, and then pressed into a Type wire basket is filled, from which will then arise walls of houses that are still plastered with cement. The first four Haven homes are being built in Croix-des-Bouquets outside Port-au-Prince. Its construction will cost 10,000 U.S. dollars, Oxfam America has already made available. Brennan hopes that the cost per house can be ultimately reduced to less than $ 5,000.

Tim Cornell by contrast, offers to adjustable metal frames that can be covered with wood walls, styrofoam or bamboo. "We do not offer the house itself, but actually only the system," he said. Another company offers sculpted cement houses. "We have a shape and we pour the whole floor, the walls and ceiling in one step. It is a cube. From our standard sizes, you can build a room, two bedrooms and two stories, "Moshe Saldinger said of the Jamaican Ashtrom Building Systems Limited. An apartment or a one-bedroom house were of a piece, while a two-bedroom house . two parts were needed, the product will be transported to the site on a barge from Jamaica -. "just around the corner", based in Florida ALT Technologies LLC applied for the fair for the first time in their product "Polymer fiber columns reinforced with magnesium oxide" It is mold resistant. termites and watertight, "said Financial Secretary Terence Freeman." We had a piece of it tested for four years in a water tank. It has taken a drop "

Despite all the clever ideas that featured most of the participants the same questions. Where do we start where does the money come from for the reconstruction and what we provide with all the debris, however, were the answers? short supply. The transitional Commission was entrusted with the leadership role for the reconstruction and the channeling of international funds. But so far no money has appeared. Andres Duany submitted for the Prince of Wales Foundation, another idea for the reconstruction of Port-au-Prince. He suggested to leave the debris on the spot and the city about building. Buildings could therefore be about two feet higher and would be less vulnerable to flooding. The preferred by the Foundation, but also heavily criticized plan will invest in independent townhouses, which are equipped with individual power and water supply. This would first projects independently created by a long-term development plan for Haiti. "No matter what ideas one has if they can not be implemented quickly, they are worthless," said Duany, who has received global recognition as a designer of cities of the future a name. For if not developed during ideas überschlügen the events. According to experts, would be the reconstruction of a traditional street line in Port-au-Prince on an average of 154 million U.S. dollars. To build a block to the other - and to treat everyone as an autonomous body with its own ship - 3.5 million would cost per block. Even the old infrastructure was not the government can be maintained, Duany criticized. He had therefore asked many people, should go like it. No one said "Hey, how about efforts to restore the system from the 19th century again?" or "Would you like Paris?". There must be something modern, future-looking. Commissioned the development study was According to the Foundation of the Prince, the Haitian Central Bank. But said Tourism Minister Patrick Delatour, the Foundation plans would pass the regular Antragsweg confirmation by the government.

In any case dominated by single-family homes that were originally developed for rural areas, the exhibition. But most providers emphasized that their houses also sädtischen use plans can be customized. Moshe Saldinger was undecided whether the conference will help. "We have nice suits well maintained. But these people live outside in lousy plastic bags. We have to put something happen, "he urged the government said Defence Minister Delatour." In my position I have to look at that whole picture ... And as it is now, we currently need to specify the construction of the next 20 years "

own translation of the English original. Heike fritz 11/designers-seek-creative-solutions-rebuild-haiti

Monday, February 21, 2011

Scorpio Man Dissapear

Horb: Park railway on southern shore to the Garden Show every 20 minutes services, for tired legs at the Tour of the Garden Festival site There are remedies: is on the southern river bank during the "Neckar flowering", will operate a park railway, can take the passengers 800 meters, not from Neckar-Chronicle
news horb_artikel -
Park Railroad on the southern shore-to-the-garden-show all-20-minute run-_arid , 125132.html

Horb. Have developed the idea of a miniature railway in the grounds of
small country garden show business promoter Axel Bloch and
private railway company (SVG) in Stuttgart, in May
Railway Adventure World opened in Horb. "We know from other
horticultural shows such as Plochingen that a park railway
is well accepted," says Mark Robold, the press spokesman of the SVG. Before
especially for younger visitors it was an exciting attraction. In the context of the emerging
in Horb rail experience world
had offered to park railway on the grounds of the small country garden show.
will set up a specially for the Horber "Neckar Verdant made, ...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Grand Touring Vs Ultra High All Season

Olympiad 1960'

196017th Olympiad Olympic Games - Rome 1960Edition: ENIT - Italian National Tourist Office (translated in French) - 1958Ouvrage rare - piece collectionNombreuses color photos and black and white - the Olympic Village Plan - 120 pagesPetits defects ï note: border Cover slightly torn - a few loose pages Good condition '

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What Kind Of Floor To Put In An Aluminum Boat

The Döllnitz train die

planned for the 02/16/2011 meeting of the Association
purpose transport Leipzig area (ZVNL), the association for the promotion
Saxon narrow gauge railways eV (VSSB) as an opportunity to all members of the committees,
particular appeal, however, the representatives from the city of Leipzig to
to finance the narrow-gauge railway between Oschatz and glosses
further in the context of the public transport budget. The
VSSB rejects the impending cancellation of passenger transport, without any ifs and buts from
. Saxony is not just the big cities but also from smaller towns and the
rural areas - this is a fair balance of interests required
. called for the railway has the Döllnitz that they
the 1 million € actually gets paid by the State of the
ZVNL. If it be now decided by the voting strength of the city of Leipzig in
sole self-interest, then
is equally the demand on the table, the structure of the distribution of public resources
Fundaments to question tzlich.
that a lasting solution to the narrow-gauge railways must be found, the
in the state parliament in 2006 called on all political groups in terms of a special
heritage as particularly vulnerable and were eligible,
, given the current debate all the more urgent. The people in
country - the VSSB included - are still waiting for the concepts to make the
follow as well defined objectives and actions. Other regions, such as the
resin or complaints, not to mention all of Switzerland, show how it
be done.
are essential for the transport, to provide predictable funding
narrow gauge railways and the economics of the operation. The VSSB
reiterates in this context, the demand for a direct
financing of the narrow-gauge railways from the State, without any intermediate levels
as the purpose networks. Then it becomes for Parliament and taxpayers,
ultimately flows to where the money and how much of it really matters
Through the impending decisions ZVNL against the railway Döllnitz
the topic more precarious. The VSSB, the State Government, therefore, with all urgency
out not to allow this unfortunate development, and to act
order for the goals adopted in the Cooperation Agreement
an efficient public transport and rail transport in
consequence also implemented. For
15 April 2011 announced the VSSB
the official start to the year event "Andampfen" in the web at Döllnitz, which may in
this year to host, because in last year's
"Claus-Köpcke Price received "has (eV Press Release Society for the Promotion
Saxon narrow gauge railways, 11:02:11).

Use Of Preparation H On Dogs

Jeux olympiques 2000 - Les Géant de Sidney '

Olympics 2000 - Giants SidneyTextes: William Rebière - Photos: DPPI-SIPAEditions Calmann-Lévy143 pages - Excellent condition '

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lidocaine Hydrochloride Jelly Breastfed Safe?

The Volcano Express through the winter Brohltal from Middle Rhine courier. 252BExpress-by-the-winter-Brohltal_3460.html

Niederzissen. The Brohltalbahn goes even in winter! With or without snow
- every other Sunday until the end of March starts the Volcano Express
clock from the station at 10:15 Brohl BE (directly across from the DB station) up
in the Eifel. The access is of course possible also to all other stations in
Brohltal. The pleasantly warm heated wagons of nostalgic,
of a diesel locomotive pulled the train bringing passengers in leisurely
through the romantic winter Brohltal first until after Oberzissen.


more information and reservations under , and Tel 02636/80303.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Size Of Notched Trowel For Tiles

LIVRE JEUX olympiques - 1928 OLYMPIC Spiel'


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Logitech Harmony Fireplace

Olympics 1992 Albertville - Barcelona '

Book "Omympische Games 1992: Albertville - Barcelona" by Ben Earl and Frank Schoonderwalt, 208 pages, 30 x 22 cm, published in 1992 by M & P, Weert Beautiful book with many photos that sport by sport to the Olympic Games of 1992 deals Book in good condition (stamp on the first page except + couple annotities in pencil) '

Friday, February 4, 2011

How Long To Leave Jerky In Dehydrahter

Park Railway: Peißnitzexpress on the brink of mz-web
pagename = Diversion / atyp = page & aid = 1296641404075 ksArtikel &

Halle (Saale) / MZ. The Saale-flood mid-January, the Peißnitzexpress
hit hard. Technical equipment, furniture, equipment Everything was under water
. How high the damage is, no one can say. And
not know who will pay for the repair. Because the operating agreement between the
Halle Transport Co. (Havag) and the Government is
expired in late December 2010 and not yet been extended. "How
continues this year, is not decided yet," confirmed
Stefan Boettinger, spokesman for the municipal utilities, which include the Havag,
against the MDGs. Threatened after 50 years the death of the children and adults alike
popular car?

game with hidden cards
is open, why the contract between the carriers and the
City Hall has not ...

What Tobacco Is Like Kool

axes: Balance Sheet for Lößnitzgrundbahn and Weißeritztalbahn

For more than two years, the familiar steaming and puffing
the Weißeritztalbahn in Rabenauer reason is heard.
After the reconstruction of Weißeritztalbahn and the subsequent large
initial euphoria and a corresponding number of passengers, we were able "in 2010 about 165 000 passengers on the #
Weißeritztalbahn & greening 223; en ", says the
deputy railway manager of the Saxon
Dampfeisenbahngesell industry (SDG) Mirko Froß. About a quarter, this represents 29 percent
or the individual traveler used the narrow-gauge railway for
the outward and return journey to both 23 percent booked
families and individuals, one way, group travelers accounted for 20 percent of
from passengers.
The second narrow-gauge railroad in the Upper Elbe Transport Association (VVO), "which attracted
Lößnitzgrundbahn, 2010, more than 219 000 fans to the track
Radebeul between East and Radeburg. This is a new passenger record, "said
Froß. The most visited month was May, when the Karl-May Festival
attracted numerous guests in the residence of the writer. A round-
Return solved 36 percent of single travelers, 16 percent of single travelers
bought tickets for a single trip. The second-most part
provide groups with a share is 23 percent, followed closely by
the families who made up 21 percent of the passengers.
In the program of both narrow-gauge railways there are a lot to discover in 2011.
offer again to all partners along the lines
popular events. "More than 60 festivals, walking tours and trips take place at approximately two
narrow gauge railways," said Gary Clauss, director of marketing
traffic Oberelbe. On 29 January began the season on
Lößnitzgrundbahn with a nail-biting at the Pheasant Castle Moritzburg.
Many visitors use the narrow-gauge railway for convenient arrival. From 16
to 17 July it has on the Weißeritztalbahn the third
narrow-gauge railway festival. After last year, about 8,000 visitors were welcomed
transform itself in 2011, the breakpoints and
stations between Freital - Hainberg Dippoldiswalde in
and interactive stations. VVO, SDG, the interest group Weißeritztalbahn
and several partners are jointly organizing the festival, which
be time to do the same with "Malter in Flames" is. In Lößnitzgrund
is celebrated about two months later. From 17
to 18 September is the Lößnitzgrundbahn during the 7th
narrow gauge railway festival in the center. In Moritzburg invite the VVO and
the SDG back to a big family celebration with VVO and bouncy castle - a Play Park
. While both festivals such as the Traditionsloks
will move Saxon IV K No. 176 in the typical green color or diesel
type L 45 H many fans in its spell, when these are hard days on the Weißeritztalbahn and Lößnitzgrundbahn in use at the

(Press Release VVO, 4:02:11).