Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Charriol Ring Philippines

Austria: rabid destruction of Ybbstalbahn

stands for the Ybbstal a name rename What the ÖVP Mayor
of Ybbsitz, Waidhofen / Ybbs and perform Lunz / See now, is unique in the history of Austria
: Instead of a relatively low cost -
immediate costs of 100,000 euros for the rehabilitation of Sch & # 228; the
on the railway line that caused the flooding last year - to build a healthy Ybbstalbahn
present and implement an attractive tourism and advertising concept
for railway wheel, they run a blindw & # 252;
transparent campaign of destruction against their own path.
Schilda Valley instead Ybbs Valley! A brief chronology of events:
• In 2008, broke Governor Erwin Pröll in a commemorative
still fights for the Ybbstalbahn (see attached Festschrift - Figure 1)
• A little later came LH-Stv. Wolfgang Sobotka still stronger than the opponent
• Ybbstalbahn on
The ÖVP Mayor was the beginning of 2009 set by the country under pressure
- including financial - to act against the web. • In
ÖVP circles was made open to the "red car" mood, even
the saying "the train is the red hatching (= Social Democratic Party voters) expelled from the valley
. Propaganda against single SPÖ Mayor Gratzer
in the valley (Fig. 2)
• On 14 1. 2010 Decides Pröll to assume, among other things, the Ybbstalbahn
of the ÖBB. "We do not take the paths to them zuzusperren
" by LR Heuras became a household word.
• To only take on "dead cars" that had to ÖBB
with the active support of the frantic NÖVOG still the route before handover on 12/12/2010
shut down. The implementation of the necessary procedure
is considered by legal experts as "immoral".
• Large posters of the Lower Austrian People's Party on the roadside at the end of 2010
foist but the ÖBB and the Federal Government to blame for setting the Ybbstalbahn
(see Figure 3)
• Provincial Heuras be in October 2009, the stop signs at the crossings
remove media attention (see Figure 4) and signals -
without legal basis - the stop for the train
• ÖVP Mayor can be demonstratively with bikes on the train tracks
map to make it clear that they follow the state line
"away by train" (see Figure 5)
• Photo opportunity with Governor Erwin Pröll, EUR 8.7 million for the immediately
suits the bike path (see Figure 6) but does not imply the mere 4.6 million for rail and bike path parallel
consider .
Conclusion: a politically enforced from above and forced recruitment of
track. With the might of the demolition of the railway and construction of the bike path
amount expended both a tourist train along with parallel bike path and thus arise
a 10-fold higher to bring economic benefits to the valley.
Basically, to welcome the construction of bicycle paths, not only as a token gesture to
wanton destruction of railway infrastructure.
Successful tourism areas use a combination of rail and wheel
or boat & bike because nationally attractive and highly effective. Bike paths alone
there are many who serve primarily the residents and bring
therefore of little commercial!
positive example Pinzgaubahn: After the 2005 flood caused by
attitude of the Pinzgauer local train between Mittersill and Krimml
immediately - despite replacement rail traffic with bicycle trailers - 50% of the 40,000 cyclists
broken away. The tourism communities near
the Krimml waterfalls complained the burglary. Since reopening in 2010, the
cycling is booming again but also train tourism
beyond the cyclist with an increase of 40%. The history of
Ybbstalbahn is comparable with that of the local railway Pinzgauer
: Both cars were always at risk from flooding damage
, the Pinzgauer local train was ten years of the setting
The main difference, the Salzburg State Government acted
concluded with the Pinzgauer mayors through vision, the federal government level and the ÖBB
to the 26 million euros for reconstruction between Mittersill and Krimml
destroyed by flood from railway tracks. The initially skeptical
population - including the Pinzgauer local train was attractive to the population not
more - was convinced. The rising numbers of passengers
speak for themselves.
The question arises: Who or what is the extermination campaign of the Lower Austrian
State Government in association with the Austrian People's Party pledged to stop
mayors to? A suspension of
agreement in principle between the federal and the state of Lower Austria for breach of contract
would be the only option. But before that seems
Transport Minister Doris Bures shrink. Anyone who wants to apply his
with the powerful Governor Erwin Pröll, who is likely to be supported by
Vice Chancellor and Finance Minister Josef Pröll.
Probhahn gives the Ybbs Valley is already the title of "Schilda Valley" and
but still hopes for a belated Christmas miracle (Press Release
Probahn AUSTRIA, 28.12.10).

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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axes: "Wild Robert" defies the snowdrifts from

The Döllnitz train in northern Saxony since Sunday en route to the traditional mulled wine
trips. With the exception of New Year's day, known as
"Wild Robert" narrow-gauge railway connects to 2 January 2011 daily Oschatz
with Mügeln and commentary. An employee of the association told the MDR,
that the trains on Boxing Day because of Snow drifts on the line are
first moved with slight delays. "Meanwhile,
the tracks and switches but without restrictions."

Small trains for kaolin and sugar beet were
Because of the slippery roads on the first day of this year
mulled wine tours ...

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Saxony: Administration feared bankruptcy of Döllnitz Car, The County North fears the stuff from the Döllnitz track. The district administration gave Michael Czupalla (CDU) on Monday announced during a crisis meeting with mayors. From

The district of north feared the things from the Döllnitz track. That gave Michael Czupalla
District (SPD) on Monday during a crisis meeting with mayors
known. Therefore claimed that budget cuts, the state government is planning
the new biennium. According to the district administrator
to the Joint Authority for the transport area of Leipzig (ZVNL) in the years 2011 and 2012 to receive
nearly ten million euros less. The cuts would also mean
through into the car and Döllnitz "inevitably
immediate bankruptcy" of the narrow gauge railway.
Volkmar Winkler, the mayor of the municipality Sornzig drain, said
during the meeting, the state government wants to ...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Brent Everett Ever In Bottom

Park railway will be overhauled and have begun by Tobias Wolf, The Winter repairs to locomotives and wagons. Until the beginning of the season they will be repaired for 235 000 euros., Sets out sz-online
artikel.asp id = 2638011

The park train in the Great Garden have started the winter repairs
. The steam and electric locomotives are now being refurbished for around 235,000 €
. Previously had the last scheduled trips to be canceled this year because of the
Nicholas heavy snowfall.
"to minus five degrees and a maximum of 20 inches of snow we can go straight
yet," said Thomas Jacob. "Will there be more, we get the snow
of not more behind. "His two most valuable treasures are the two
steam locomotives in the fleet. That have arrived by now in the southern Thuringia
Meiningen. There has, the German railroad, the last ...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Skoal Pouches Toronto

Nicholas in the Selfkantbahn extra layer on, off
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_g = Nicholas-sets-to-the-Extra-Selfkantbahn shifts ein.html

Heinsberg. The demand for tickets for the Saint Nicholas rides on the historic steam trains
Selfkantbahn is also in this year
very large.
All trains are fully booked, but there are currently many ticket requests
. Therefore, driving on Saturday 18 December, at 11, an additional clock
Nikol excerpt from the station Geilenkirchen-Gillrath. Heading
then increases with the Nicholas Knecht Ruprecht on the train and ...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

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Berliner Park railway: Santa Claus comes to the park railway, still some places available - call now and save fast it's gone!

If you want to see how Santa Claus comes to children should stop by
this year on the second weekend in December in the Wuhlheide. For as
slide serves Nicholas the train the "small car for big
eyes" pulled by a historic locomotive.
It loads during the festive season on 4 and 5 December 2010, a round of
train with him in the park train ride Wuhlheide.
These tours by train festively decorated the park railway
- along with the Santa Claus - are especially for children each year
special experience.
The Christmas market in the condition with craft tables, the playground and
diverse selection of snacks and mulled wine, then loads the
visitors to stay.
On Saturday, 4th December and Sunday 5 December, during the period from 11.00 clock
to 17.00 clock runs every half hour beginning at the main station of the railway in the People's Park
The fare for children is - as in previous years - 7 € including
Christmas bag (for 5 € adults can be there to get a
& Eq # 252; hwein free).

is requested booking on Telephone 030 / 53 89 26 60th
remaining tickets will be sold at the ticket counter.
------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------

BPE Berliner Park railway
profit MbH
- support the youth welfare -
public relations

At the Wuhlheide
189 12459 Berlin

Phone: 030 53 89 26 - 60
Fax: 030 53 89 26-99

Management: Ernst & Dirk Heumann Henschke (both honorary)
commercial register: HRB 24 982 (Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg)
Tax number: 27 / 601/50869
ldent VAT Number. DE136582763
The company is based Berlin.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Slogans Golf Tournament

Santa Claus takes the train, Santa Claus rides with the Mansfeld mining railway, from Super Sunday
scms_show_data.php? Mode = detail & category = 38 &
entry = 11 901

Bennett (as). On Saturday and Sunday, 4 and 5 December is also in
this year, Santa Claus again on a long trip into the country's fields.
On both days, it's going to respectively 10, 13, 15 and 17 clock, as usual in the station
reservations are ...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fries Sour Cream And Onion Seasoning

Museumsbahn Schönheide signal is "free ride" on the festival in 2011

On 11/13/2010, pursuant to a club use the first form of the signal
Railway Museum have been established. Like its historical predecessor
1905-1972, it secures the entrance of the station Schönheide from
direction Rothenkirchen or supports green.
anniversary next year, for 130sten time the opening of the first and longest
once Saxon narrow gauge railway. It led from Wilkau-Haßlau from
in the rural West between Erzgebirge and Vogtland. Your
formation influences the economic development of this region and was
after completion of about 42 km from
Wilkau-Haßlau on Sho nheide until after Carl box.
For 2011, the Railway Museum Association is preparing a hard year with various activities and
highlights the occasion of his 20th anniversary and of course around the
130sten birthday before the WCD.
heart of the events of the festival in 2011 are all over the years
distribution of public transport operating steam train days.
The opening ceremony of the festival year on Saturday 23 April for the Easter
days instead of driving. Special highlights are the
this station's celebration 20 years at the club 14. and 15 May, the now traditional brushes
hard at 03 and 04 September and the driving days "130 years
WCD" at 02 and 03 be October. With the fall of steam on 22 and 23
October sounds hard year around the first narrow gauge railway
The next days riding on the train museum Schönheide the
Advent rides are on 27 and 28 November, Nicholas steam on 11
and 12 December 2010 and winter trips on 13 and 20 February 2011
(press release Railway Museum Schönheide , photos
M. Georgi, 16:11:10).

When Does The Tahoe Body Style Change

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: New tracks for Orlando Furioso

The tracks of the narrow-gauge railway "Racing Roland" (Rügen narrow gauge railway) on
complaints to be replaced gradually. Transport Minister Volker Schlotmann
handed at 15:11:10 spot a funding approval for the renewal of
tracks of approximately one mile long section between Phil Hagen
and Göhren. "In good time before the start of the season the Racing Roland
will again be fully operational," said Schlotmann.
The tracks and the entire track bed are newly laid, and the drainage
is renewed. A total of 1.3 million €
be invested, of which € 870,000 will be borne by the State. The
work started a few days and should no later than spring of next year
be completed.
The tracks are about 30 years old and need to be gradually replaced
. Over the past few years, several track sections
had been renewed. The Frenetic
Roland runs between Göhren and Putbus (Rügen),
in the season he goes on to Lauterbach Mole. The Rügen narrow gauge railway runs
For more than 100 years on the Baltic island and is popular with tourists
. The historic narrow-gauge railway has a gauge of 750 millimeters and
travels at 30 km / h top speed through the
scenic southeast of the island of Ruegen. The route Putbus -
Göhren is approximately 24 miles long, the route of Putbus to Lauterbach Mole
again about 2.5 miles. The Frenetic
Roland is in addition to the Mecklenburg resort railway "Molli" in the district of Bad Doberan
the only narrow gauge railway in the country (Press Release
Ministry of Transport, Building and Regional Development, 16:11:10).

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Friends of VIA WILZSCHHAUS founded

Yesterday evening has at its founding meeting of the Friends of VIA constituted
WILZSCHHAUS. Because of the numerous
commitment from the public and local businesses for the tourism project
Schönheide / Carl Field Area launched the club in future it will
to help the concept of continuously making more widely known
The board members chose the founding meeting Dr. Bernd Schmidt
(Managing Director of Wernesgrüner brewery) as Chairman and
Dipl.-Ing. Ronald Scholz (Schnarr fir) as Deputy Chairman.
Gerd Hochmuth (green columns) will assume the post of Treasurer,
Dipl.-Kffr. Michaela Gläß (Stützengrün) Secretary and Dr. Thilo
grained (Schönheide), Bernd Kramer (owner of Hotel Fl & # 246; ßerstube Muldenberg)
and Thomas Moldenhauer (Burkhardswalde) as additional members of the Board
be working.
The association is open to anyone, whether natural or legal person
that the tourism project as well as the excited fundraiser
"VIA WILZSCHHAUS" support mö RIGHTS. "The tourism project
Schönheide / Carl Field and surrounding areas to find the goal to offer the following
generations the chance to have a future in their homeland," said Dr. Bernd Schmidt
at the inaugural meeting. "In order to connect the
demographic change effectively meet, we need the tourism
strengthen as the "employer" in rural areas. The home care
and commitment to the region as Erzgebirge-Vogtland
cultural landscape, it is important to promote as a whole and give
local history knowledge, their history and traditions
. "(Press Release Fö ; rderverein VIA WILZSCHHAUS, 15:11:10).

Friday, September 17, 2010

Do We Eat Skin Of Beets

Now they are back online.

now I offer all the animals again for sale to
! (But already written: only as decoration pieces !)
All animals are machine washable at 30 ° C!

Games When You Can Get Pregnant

I decided ..

... sell my animals continues!

I am by some people addressed was whether I would like to sell my animals as decoration pieces?
I am pleased with the inquiries and the animals are immediately put back online.

But please note that I sell it NOT a toy!

I also offer all the animals in various sizes (also request sizes) and with rape seeds (as a heat pad).

- small delist € 3.90
- small delist with rape seed filling € 4.60
- Heat Packs (Ca.10x10cm) ; € 4.50
- Heat Packs (ca.20x20cm) ; € 7.95
- Heat Packs (ca.18x20cm) € 7.45
- heat animals (camels and duck, 16 cm) € 7.95
(not washable)
- Heat animal (horse, about 12cm) € 7.45
(not washable)

you want the delisting or the heat pad in a different size or in a different fabric design have? Need larger quantities?
No problem, simply contact me! I am happy to call you the price and availability of the substance.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Nerf Party Games For Nine Year

Sorry, an important information!!

Due to the high costs that would result from the examination to obtain the required CE marking, I am unfortunately forced to take the gripping pieces of my offer.

As before, however, the heat pad (optional sizes available on request) to get in and the next Time I will extend the offer.
you may be curious.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kerri Leigh That Metal Show

an important note: rape seed rape seed bag

The heat bag and heat the animals are NOT suitable for playing and I will not be sold as a toy!
Please do not leave your child unattended with the heat bag and animals.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

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Hello to all visitors,

I will always have time as I expand my flea market, but is currently incredibly much to do in the garden so I can not make it accessible to update everything. There are definitely many more beads, it is just a 1 / 4 of what I have set.
So you please be tolerated a bit, I guess, until the fall, where most eh again only to tinker anfagen properly, everything should be set.

I wish everyone a great summer, holidays, sunshine and above all where to go on vacation, a super great holiday.


Sunday, May 30, 2010

Does Salicylic Acid Make Skin More Sensitive

Designer Beads 6 mm

designer marble beads 6 mm Ø

There are designer beads, each bead is different
different and sometimes in size. € 2.00 per strand

DMP 001 - Green = about 53 pieces
DMP 002 - Blue = approximately 52 pieces
DMP 003 - Beige = about 54 pieces
DMP 004 - smoke blue = About 54 pieces

DMP 005 - yellow = about 54 pieces
DMP 006 - Pink = approximately 54 pieces
DMP 007 - Pink Pink = about 54 pieces
DMP 008 - Salmon = about 53 pieces

DMP 009 - Purple-Yellow = about 54 pieces
DMP 010 - green salmon = about 52 pieces
DMP 011 - Purple-Beige = 57 pieces
DMP 012 - purple-pink-violet = about 57 pieces
DMP 013 - smoke-blue khaki-blue = about 62 units

A White Spot On Dog's Black Nose?

Zweifabige Crackle glass beads

6 mm Ø Crackle Glass Beads zweifabig
€ 2.50 per strand

Pink plain

CGP 001 - per strand = about 70 pieces


CGP 002 - per strand = about 72 pieces

brown plain

CGP 003 - per strand = about 73 pieces

black and clear

CPG 004 - per strand = about 76 pieces


CGP 005 - per strand = about 72 pieces

Green Orange

CGP 006 - per strand = about 73 pieces

yellow clear

CGP 007 - per strand = about 75 pieces

Penguins Tanking Season

AB Crystal Beads 6 mm

Ø 6 mm crystal beads in AB (extra-glossy)
in 3 colors, 1.95 per strand €

KPAB 001 - yellow-blue = about 58 pieces
KPAB 002 - Green = about 55 pieces
KPAB 003 - Metal colors = about 58 pieces

Separation Anxiety In A 7 Month Old At Night Old

glass beads Nartursteinoptik

glass beads natural stone look

colors black and white and pink and white
€ 2.25 per strand

black and white

GPNO 001 - 10 mm dia = approximately 43 pieces
GPNO 002 - 8 mm dia = 57 pieces
GPNO 003 - 6 mm dia = 70 pieces

pink and white

GPNO 004 - 10 mm dia = approximately 43 pieces
GPNO 005 - 8 mm dia = 57 pieces
GPNO 006 - 6 mm dia = 70 pieces

Phones That Are Compaitble With Parrott

glass-faceted beads

glass faceted beads in different sizes
It's always a line there, if there are more, I write behind it.
I always try the color as natural as possible to show. € 1.95 per strand

(unfortunately not come across correctly)

GFP 011 - Size 10 mm = About 33 pieces
GFP 012 - size 8 mm = approximately 43 pieces
GFP 013 - size 6 mm = approximately 51 pieces


GFP 014 - size 10 mm = approximately 34 pieces
GFP 015 - size 8 mm = 40 pieces
GFP 016 - size 6 mm = 45 pieces
GFP 017 - Size 4 mm = 80 pieces


GFP 018 - size 6 mm = approximately 69 pieces

Poptropica Games Saving

glass-faceted beads

glass faceted beads in different sizes
It's always a line there, if there are more, I write it
behind it. I always try the color as natural as possible to show
. € 1.95 per strand


GFP 001 - size 10 mm = approximately 33 pieces
GFP 002 - size 8 mm = approximately 41 pieces
GFP 003 - Size 6 mm = 55 pieces

Royal Blue

GFP 004 - size 10 mm = approximately 32 pieces
CFP 005 - size 8 mm = approximately 43 pieces
GFP 006 - size 6 mm = approximately 52 pieces

Light Blue

GFP 007 - size 10 mm = approximately 33 piece
GFP 008 - size 8 mm = approximately 43 pieces
GFP 009 - size 6 mm = approximately 54 pieces

medium blue

CFP 010 - Size 10 mm = approximately 32 pieces

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diamonds of glass

diamonds of glass in different sizes
It's always a line there, if there are more, I write it
behind it. I always try the color as natural as possible to show
€ 1.95 per strand


GRH 009 - Size 10 mm = 35 pieces
GRH 010 - size 8 mm = approximately 43 pieces


GRH 011 - Size 10 mm = 35 piece
GRH 012 - size 8 mm = approximately 42 pieces
GRH 013 - Size 6 mm = approximately 52 pieces

GRH 014 - Grey / Size 8 mm = approximately 37 pieces
GRH 015 - Black / size 6 mm = about 47 pieces
GRH 016 - Clear / size = 6 mm, about 52 piece