Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fries Sour Cream And Onion Seasoning

Museumsbahn Schönheide signal is "free ride" on the festival in 2011


On 11/13/2010, pursuant to a club use the first form of the signal
Railway Museum have been established. Like its historical predecessor
1905-1972, it secures the entrance of the station Schönheide from
direction Rothenkirchen or supports green.
anniversary next year, for 130sten time the opening of the first and longest
once Saxon narrow gauge railway. It led from Wilkau-Haßlau from
in the rural West between Erzgebirge and Vogtland. Your
formation influences the economic development of this region and was
after completion of about 42 km from
Wilkau-Haßlau on Sho nheide until after Carl box.
For 2011, the Railway Museum Association is preparing a hard year with various activities and
highlights the occasion of his 20th anniversary and of course around the
130sten birthday before the WCD.
heart of the events of the festival in 2011 are all over the years
distribution of public transport operating steam train days.
The opening ceremony of the festival year on Saturday 23 April for the Easter
days instead of driving. Special highlights are the
this station's celebration 20 years at the club 14. and 15 May, the now traditional brushes
hard at 03 and 04 September and the driving days "130 years
WCD" at 02 and 03 be October. With the fall of steam on 22 and 23
October sounds hard year around the first narrow gauge railway
The next days riding on the train museum Schönheide the
Advent rides are on 27 and 28 November, Nicholas steam on 11
and 12 December 2010 and winter trips on 13 and 20 February 2011
(press release Railway Museum Schönheide www.museumsbahn-schoenheide.de , photos
M. Georgi, 16:11:10).


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